Fall 2016 - Area Contest Results
September 20, 2016

The Area Contest was held on Monday, September 19, for both Evaluation and Humorous Speech. It was a combined Area C1 and Area C6 contest (co-chaired by Ping Ho, one of our club members). We are excited to announce that both Mirus and Roberta placed 1st in their contests!
Area C1 and C6 winners of Evaluation and Humorous Speech contests
Congratulations to Roberta Guise - 1st place Area C1 Evaluation Contest! Her evaluation of a speech from the Test Speaker on unconscious bias was well-organized and thoughtful.

Congratulations to Mirus Lu - 1st place Area C1 Humorous Speech Contest! His speech on "A Relationship Milestone for the 21st Century" on building IKEA furniture was funny and taught us some lessons about relationships too.

Mirus and Roberta will both be representing Area C1 in the Division C contest on October 12 at Dolby Labs at 1275 Market Street. Registration details will appear on the District 4 website soon: http://d4tm.org/event-schedule#Division-C

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